Several years ago, Russian scientists increased the milk yield of heifers by 7–12% and reduced feed costs of 1 liter of milk production by 7.1% thanks to the use of seaweed supplements of crushed Fucus in cattle feed. So, with the help of environmentally friendly and healthy seaweed additives, farms in Russia are reaching new levels of the volume and quality of their own products.
Besides the fact that the seaweed of the White Sea have high therapeutic and dietary properties on health and strengthening of human immunity, they have also proved to be a great additional source of biologically active additives in the feeding of farm animals and poultry.
For the last 100 years, the Arkhangelsk Seaweed Factory has been extracting and harvesting raw seaweed materials in Russia, exporting seaweed to the markets of the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries in the European Union and Southeast Asia under the brand “SNOWSEA”.
Raw algae is a useful food additive in animal feed and is extracted in the north of Russia in an ecologically clean area of the White Sea near the Solovetsky Islands. The special climatic and biological conditions of the place where it is collected allow Fucus to absorb a unique set of active substances in a short time. Drying of seaweed occurs in a natural way: only the sun and wind! The organization of the extraction and the drying process takes place at a far distance from the megalopolises, where there are no industrial enterprises that pollute the environment for hundreds of kilometers around! Due to the natural drying process, prepared for the processing seaweed retain all the accumulated useful substances!
The countries of the European Union have always been characterized by the livestock farming profile of agriculture, beef bias, which is determined according to geographical location, climate and landscape features. The main European industry is cattle breeding, mainly dairy and dairy-meat, requiring compliance with high eco-standards for feeding and keeping livestock.
In modern Europe, the use of natural forage resources is one of the most effective ways of organizing nutrition diet for livestock, strengthening its immunity, improving reproductive functions and increasing productivity.
Unfortunately, natural resources are not always available nor as rich and accessible as every modern farmer would like.
Rob Kinley and Alan Friedin (Alan Fredeen) are scientists from Canada, who conducted a series of studies to find out whether cows on “seafood” remain healthy. Having confirmed the theory of the benefits of seaweed for cattle, their research attracted the interest of climatologists and the independent international public organization Greenpeace. It turned out that cows that are fed on algae emit 20% less methane than those animals that eat grass and mixed fodder.
Nowadays, every industrial enterprise or farm in the European Union may purchase “SNOWSEA” seaweed as an additive in feed for its livestock. Capabilities of a seaweed-producing enterprise allow us to provide both a multitude of farm holdings and large agricultural organizations with raw materials. Today you can order dried powdered or crushed Fucus to check the composition of algae, which is very rich in useful substances, in your own laboratory and determine how much raw material you will need as a dietary supplement to feed for your livestock. Just contact us by phone or email and request samples. We will send you options for our branded products in a short time.
“SNOWSEA” today is a large Russian enterprise that extracts and processes the White Sea seaweed for the medical, cosmetic and agricultural sectors. Well-established business processes allows us to cooperate with the countries of the European Union, and our facilities allow us to ship simultaneously large-tonnage deliveries of seaweed raw materials to regular and new customers.
Create the right diet for livestock at your own enterprise, and “SNOWSEA” will provide your feed with all the necessary nutrients and trace elements. We are ready to cooperate!
Seaweed in the countries of East Asia, South-East Asia, Australia and ocean islands is a food product of mass and daily use.
06.05.2019In the global exploitation of marine biological resources, including aquaculture products, a significant portion belongs to seaweed. This confirms the value and significance of seaweed as a useful resource for a various range of human activity.