Even in ancient times, various seaweed, green, brown, and red, were used along the coasts of Europe as a domestic animal feed in raw and dry form, as well as in the form of flour. For example, in Scotland, residents of coastal settlements drove court cattle to the seashore. At low tide, when seaweed are exposed to air, they dry like the grass in a pasture, and the cattle consumed marine plants in their normal diet.
In most of the Western Europe and America regions, which are located in the coastal zone, seaweed is eaten both in fresh and in processed state.
Seaweed in the countries of East Asia, South-East Asia, Australia and ocean islands is a food product of mass and daily use.
For more than a century, brown “gold” of the White Sea (wild Laminaria seaweed) has been extracted in North Russia and is eaten by local residents as a unique useful additive. In addition, the White Sea SNOWSEA seaweed is processed into raw materials, which are used in the largest industries for human benefit and health!
Since the dawn of time and on all continents, seaweed rescued mankind by supplying living organisms with essential minerals. Even now in the 21st century, science has not fully studied the full potential benefits of this marine plant. Only recently have scientists begun to create complex chains of medical and cosmetic products based on seaweed.
SNOWSEA Laminaria features
The White Sea seaweed differ significantly from Far East of Russia, China and Japan seaweed, because brown seaweed is cold-loving and grows in the seawater where the temperature is quite low, such as in the White and Barents seas. At a temperature of 18-20 ° C, brown seaweed are already beginning to collapse.
Laminaria is often considered a sea vegetable. It grows magnificently at a depth of 6 to 15 meters in places with a rocky bottom. It has no roots, and it is attached to the rocks by means of rope-like stalks; the only nutrient medium for it is water.
Favorable growth conditions in areas remote from everyday human life allow the White Sea algae to accumulate the maximum amount of alginic acid, mannitol, which are in demand in the global pharmaceutical industry today.
There is a high demand for SNOWSEA seaweed in food and animal feed, it indicates it as a valuable source of minerals.
It contains an abundance of salts, iodine, bromine, cobalt, potassium, sodium, and magnesium. Furthermore, the "brown" gold of the White Sea contains proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins A, C, D, E, B1, B2, B12. All of these substances determine the beneficial properties of seaweed.
For example, alginic acid contained in sea plants is an analogue of fruit pectin, which effectively removes radionuclides, and heavy metals (mercury, lead, etc.) from the body. Iodine aims to
combat diseases of the thyroid gland, reduce blood pressure, improves blood viscosity. Magnesium has vasodilating, antiseptic properties, increases bile secretion. Phosphorus is the basic element of teeth and bones. Potassium regulates the water balance and normalizes heart rhythm. Manganese improves muscle reflexes and memory while also reducing nervousness and irritability. Fiber normalizes cholesterol. Mannitol polysaccharide easily and successfully removes toxins and slags.
Carbohydrates in Laminaria: mannitol is very useful in weakening intestinal peristalsis; Laminarin is a source of glucose; alginic acid and its salts (alginates).
Laminaria protein has a high nutritional value and contains all the amino acids necessary for the human body.
Fats include vitamins A and D, the effectiveness of which is very high.
In the Laminaria seaweed, there are beta-carotene, vitamins B1, B2 and C.
Mineral salt, which basically determines the nutritional and therapeutic value of seaweed, is the most significant part of Laminaria.
Brown Laminaria contains a complex of biologically active substances: carbohydrates - 59%, proteins - 13%, fiber - 11%, fat - 2%, mineral salts - 3%, moisture - 12%.
All these nutrients in a complex or separately are increasingly used in the production of tools aimed at beauty and health.
The therapeutic and nutritional values of SNOWSEA Laminaria
The composition of the human body is equivalent to the composition of seven gallons of seawater. As a result, the need for minerals can be fully met through marine products, particularly found in brown Laminaria seaweed.
Scientists around the world have been intrigued by the antitumor properties of seaweed for a long period of time. From year to year, Japanese scientists from Kyoto University conduct unique developments. They found that brown seaweed extract can prevent tumor growth. It is assumed that the active component is a complex of polysaccharides, which has a stimulating effect on the immune system. Therefore, doctors explain the low percentage of breast cancer diseases among Japanese women by the presence of seaweed (Laminaria) dishes in their diet.
It has been scientifically proven that the systematic use of kelp in a small amount improves the body's metabolism and tone. Laminaria has a unique property that remove toxins from the body.
The results of clinical trials of alginate-containing products showed an undoubted therapeutic effect of the gastrointestinal diseases treatment.
The use of alginates as components of food products is effective in case of intoxication of the body. It has been established that alginates are able to adsorb and excrete heavy metals (lead, cadmium) and radionuclides from the body which accelerates wound healing.
With atherosclerosis, as well as for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and diseases associated with metabolic disorders, it is recommended to take Laminaria as a dietary supplement. Furthermore, the practice shows that the White Sea Laminaria seaweed helps people with rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis (a bath with a plant or a wrap is recommended to facilitate these diagnoses).
Japanese scientists have concluded that Laminaria algae contain special substances that strengthen the roots of human hair.
In conclusion of this informative article on the White Sea brown seaweed, we would like to draw your attention to the SNOWSEA brand, created for the export of unique and extremely useful raw materials from seaweed Laminaria to the European Union and Southeast Asia.
Methods of producing SNOWSEA raw materials from the White Sea Laminaria allow you to save all its useful properties. We offer our partners Laminaria in the form of dried / crushed raw materials, in the form of bioactive Laminaria resin (concentrate), in the form of Laminaria extract, as well as ready-to-use mannitol or dry masks from Laminaria for the cosmetic industry.
All products are harvested by hand, and the process of processing Laminaria into raw materials is ecological.
Today you can contact us and order samples or a whole batch of Laminaria seaweed for testing, if your company is looking for useful additives to its own products.
SNOWSEA is a Russian company brand with a century-long history of algae extraction in the White Sea. The brand has large reserves of seaweed raw materials.
We are ready to cooperate with You! Please contact us in whatever way is most convenient to you!
In the global exploitation of marine biological resources, including aquaculture products, a significant portion belongs to seaweed. This confirms the value and significance of seaweed as a useful resource for a various range of human activity.
01.04.2019Besides the fact that the seaweed of the White Sea have high therapeutic and dietary properties on health and strengthening of human immunity, they have also proved to be a great additional source of biologically active additives in the feeding of farm animals and poultry.